If Martin O'Malley hired an army of public-relations pros he could not have produced a better White House campaign slogan than the one offered by Religion News service the other day in an online headline about the former Maryland governor. This short news-you-can-use feature was part of its ongoing series offering background on the religious views of various candidates. It proclaimed:
5 faith facts about Martin O’Malley: ‘A Pope Francis Democrat’
Some folks in pews on the cultural and doctrinal right may want to contrast the tone of that with this selection from another RNS digital newsletter:
Southern Baptist bruiser:
5 faith facts about Sen. Lindsey Graham: religious right spear carrier
The RNS mini-feature – as is the norm with this handy series – did contain some direct links to information about O'Malley, while editorially stressing that he is, well, read this:
He’s a pray-every-morning, church-every-Sunday (St. Francis of Assisi in Baltimore) believer who sent all four of his kids to Catholic schools. Democratic Party activist and author Jonathan Miller called him, “the rare progressive to frame his strongly felt policy positions in the language of faith.
And toward the end there is this: