According to most news reports about the U.S. Supreme action involving Peggy Young and her case against the United Parcel Service – such as the CBS News clip atop this post – this was a pretty standard battle focusing on "women's reproductive rights."
Most of these stories seemed to have been produced with a template. This was all business as usual, in other words. But was that the case at the court?
Listeners who tuned in the NPR report on the case heard the same oh-so-familiar storyline – but with one brief reference to a twist in the plot.
The online version of the NPR story began like this. Can you spot the religion ghost in this lede?
Women's reproductive rights are once again before the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday. Only this time, pregnancy discrimination is the issue and pro-life and pro-choice groups are on the same side, opposed by business groups.
In other words, the big news here is that very unusual coalition created by this case. What's that all about? Who is involved on the pro-life side of that equation and why?