Monday, March 24, 2025

Jimmy Stewart

Thinking about God and Hollywood: Raquel Welch became a faithful Presbyterian?

Thinking about God and Hollywood: Raquel Welch became a faithful Presbyterian?

I have to admit that it never would have entered my mind to think there were religion “ghosts” in the life, career and death of Raquel Welch, who would have to be on anyone’s list of the iconic bombshell beauties in Hollywood history.

Then I started getting some emails.

Who knew that Welch evolved into a churchgoing and, by all reports, quite modest and mature Presbyterian church lady. In particular, people pointed me toward The Aquila Report, a blog for “conservative, orthodox evangelicals in the Reformed and Presbyterian family of churches.” The headline: “A Tribute to Raquel Welch’s Life and Testimony — She was a wonderful lady and a fine Christian.” Here is a sample of that feature:

As with many, her faith grew more serious and practical with age. It’s often true that the most important things become the most important to us as we’ve matured personally. That’s just to say that spiritual and personal maturity are often coincident age and life experience.

Second, she fully embraced the Reformed and Presbyterian faith as described in the Westminster standards. She would never burden others that they must because she did — but that she did isn’t really a question. She was of the old, rugged faith. She never felt the need to pressure anyone in regard to matters of faith but she also didn’t have a great deal of patience for cute or pop cultural theological moods. This was part of her strength.

Third, she was just another lady of the church. She didn’t put on airs or expect special attention (although she could hardly avoid even with the best of intentions being the most glamorous person in the room). And she often advised churches and ministries on practical and business matters because she was brilliant in those things. You didn’t think she survived and thrived 60+ years in the public eye by just being a pretty face?

There was one more point that I found interesting, because it linked to material I had encountered through the years about some “conservative” superstars.

It helps to know that my favorite actor of all time is the late Jimmy Stewart and I’ve read quite a bit about his life. I was set up to interview him, years ago, at the Presbyterian church he attended, but he came down with the flu and had to cancel.

Anyway, the Aquila Report piece noted that Welch’s faith journey was linked to her friendships with “other conservative Presbyterians Jimmy Stewart, Ron Reagan and Chuck Heston.” Interesting.

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Major anniversary for an American classic: The 'It's a Wonderful Life' arguments roll on

Major anniversary for an American classic: The 'It's a Wonderful Life' arguments roll on

In about a week, Seneca Falls, N.Y., will be hosting a celebration of the 70th anniversary of the release of filmmaker Frank Capra's classic (more to come on that adjective) Christmas classic, "It's a Wonderful Life."

This town was the model, in many ways, for Capra's vision of the fictional Bedford Falls, home of the angry, but blessed, dreamer named George Bailey, portrayed in the film by the great Jimmy Stewart. Some of the events will be held, I am sure, at the town's It's a Wonderful Life Museum.

I wrote about the ongoing interest in this film this week in my On Religion column for the Universal syndicate, after interviewing Catholic film critic Steven D. Greydanus and digging through my old copies of "The It's a Wonderful Life Book" and "The Name Above the Title," Capra's chatty, but at times philosophical autobiography.

That led to this week's Crossroads podcast (click here to tune that in), in which host Todd Wilken and focused on a two-part question: (1) Is there any real news in the anniversary of this film and (2), while we are at it, what are journalists to make of the fact that "It's a Wonderful Life" remains so popular AND controversial?

Well, I think it's likely that some feature writers will cover the Seneca Falls events as a hook for coverage of the anniversary – period. However, the real question is whether anyone will probe deeper, exploring the debates that have raged about this film since it was first released (and flopped at the box office).

What kind of debates? That's where you get into the details of Capra's whole worldview – which is both Catholic and fiercely American – and the film's unique blend of stark darkness, even anger, and light. The key is that you really need to watch the whole movie, not just the joyful end of the famous final act.

As a clue to the contents of the podcast, let's compare two different views of this movie. First, there is this material from the values section of the Vatican's Best Films List:

This well-known film directed by Frank Capra is made great by the acting of Jimmy Stewart as a genuinely good man who resigns himself to having all of his life plans thwarted by his duty to his community and family. Sometimes vocation is more about doing one’s duty than fulfilling one’s desires. It is only when Stewart’s character submits entirely to his calling, and sees what good he has done for others in his life, that he realizes that his life has been worth living.

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