Even before the coronavirus crisis, this question haunted pastors: What in God's name are we supposed to do with the internet?
American clergy aren't the only ones wrestling with this puzzle. Consider this advice – from Moscow – about online personality cults.
"A priest, sometimes very young, begins to think that he is an experienced pastor – so many subscribers! – able to answer the many questions that come to him in virtual reality," noted Patriarch Kirill, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, at a recent diocesan conference. "Such clerics often lose the ability to accept any criticism, and not only on the internet, or respond to objections with endless arguments."
Pastors eventually have to ask, he added, if their online work is leading people through parish doors and into face-to-face faith communities.
"That is the question of the hour, for sure," said Savannah Kimberlin, director of published research for the Barna Group. Recent surveys have convinced Barna researchers that "the future church will be a blend of digital and in-person work. But it's up to us to decide what that will look like. …
"But isn't that true of our society as a whole? There are digital solutions for so many issues in our lives, right now. … But we can also see people yearning for more than that – for experiences of contact with others in a community."
In a recent survey, 81% of churchgoing adults affirmed that "experiencing God alongside others" was very important to them, she said. At the same time, a majority of those surveyed said they hoped their congregations would continue some forms of online ministry in the future.
Similar paradoxes emerge when researchers studied evangelistic efforts to reach people who are "unchurched" or completely disconnected from religious institutions.
Half of all unchurched adults (52%), along with 73% of non-Christians, said they are not interested in invitations to church activities. However, a new Barna survey -- cooperating with Alpha USA, a nondenominational outreach group – found that 41% of non-Christians said they were open to "spiritual conversations about Christianity" if the setting felt friendly.
Online forums and streamed events – experienced at home, with viewers in control – may offer some newcomers the flexibility and "safety" that they want.