If you spent anytime on Twitter and other social media this week (and you're a parent) then you probably noted tweets and posts about that ultra-viral New York Times Magazine feature about teen-agers involved in a porn-literacy class in Boston.
So what is the religion angle here?
What makes this our must-read "think piece" for this weekend?
Well, there is no absolutely religion and/or moral angle to this story at all, according to the Times magazine. at least that appears to be the case based on the content that made it into print. Actually, I guess the moral angle is whether constant porn consumption is in some way negatively shaping how young males view sex and, thus, affecting their sex lives and those of the teens with whom they are having sex.
You can kind of see what's going on in the story's double-decker headline:
What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn
American adolescents watch much more pornography than their parents know – and it’s shaping their ideas about pleasure, power and intimacy. Can they be taught to see it more critically?
At one point in the story, there is this mild form of moral nervousness, when addressing the issue of whether tax-funded porn classes for teens should actually RECOMMEND some porn sites to parents and students as safer and more sex-positive – in terms of avoiding violence and truly twisted material – while warning them about others.
I mean, after all:
That may be more than most parents, even of older teenagers, can bear. But even if parents decided to help their teenagers find these sites, not only is it illegal to show any kind of porn – good or bad – to anyone under 18, but, really, do teenagers want their parents to do so? And which ones would parents recommend for teenagers?
Yes, read that a second time and think about it.