When it comes to NBA culture, Oklahoma City is not your normal town. That's a #DUH statement, right there.
Over the years, this theme about Oklahoma City being a family-friendly, Bible Belt kind of place has figured into the story of Kevin Durant, a superstar who has never hidden his faith, all the way back to his Christian high school. (I met him, briefly, when he was being recruited by Baylor and I was on campus for a speaking gig. He did a one-and-done thing with the University of Texas, of course.)
Our own Bobby Ross, Jr., has written about this part of the Durant story – here and here, for example – noting that the national press has rarely connected the dots on the faith side of things.
So now Durant has left family-values land to join the Golden State Warriors, heading to northern California, and the hip, secular Bay Area to be specific. That's a big surprise and surely there isn't a faith angle to that outrageous move. Right?
Well, it appears that there is a link there. For example, check out the YouTube at the top of this post. Yes, it's over-the-top evangelical and not news material. But do you spot any Golden State Warriors in it? That brings me to this interesting passage in a feature – "How the Warriors got Kevin Durant" – at USA Today:
The Warriors had been hearing that Durant had eyes for their franchise for a while. ... Part of it was relationship-based, with Durant growing close with Warriors players in recent years – none more so than Curry and super sixth man Andre Iguodala during the FIBA World Championships in 2010.