For those who care about the fine details of international policy, here is the latest – care of Time magazine – on the popularity of one Vladimir Putin among his own people.
A new poll released this week by the Levada Center reports that the Russian President currently enjoys an approval rating of 87% – a 4-point jump since a similar survey was completed in May, according to the Moscow Times.
Meanwhile in the U.S., where the economy is bouncing back and the White House has largely retreated from militaristic interventions abroad, President Barack Obama’s approval rating sagged to 40% this week – its lowest point to date.
The implication is that Obama is pursuing policies that, if voters were rational, would lead to better poll numbers. Meanwhile, it appears that Putin is being very Russian. Apparently, Russians like that.
This brings me to that recent story in The New York Times that inspired some recent emails to your GetReligionistas.