From the very beginning, there have been several ways of viewing the Museum of the Bible, the ambitious project near the National Mall spearheaded by the wealthy Christian family that owns Hobby Lobby. For example:
* This is Washington, D.C. This is all about politics, like everything else.
* Some critics claimed that it would be a church-state violation to allow the museum to be built close to the mall, and the Smithsonian museums – even with private money on private land. That argument might work in France, but in the United States of America?
* There's no other way to say this, except to say it: Many folks inside the DC Beltway simply thought this whole idea was TACKY, a kind of Religious Right theme park near sacred secular ground covered with Real Stuff.
* From the beginning, there were tensions between people with evangelical dreams that the building would witness to their brand of faith and scholars around the world – in a variety of traditions, including evangelical Protestantism – whose expertise would be essential to completing the project.
* A more subtle point: Is the Museum of the Bible simply too big, too ambitious, to survive as a tourism-driven project? The natural comparison is to the Newseum, a massive, expensive, valid project (I used to take Washington Journalism Center students there every semester) that is now swamped in millions of dollars of red ink. Note, however: Admission to the Bible museum will be free. Can that last?
You can see all of these themes, and more, swirling through the recent Washington Post feature about the Bible museum, which – here is the crucial point – was produced by the newspaper's religion-desk professionals (as opposed to the Style section or even the political desk). The headline: "Sneak peek: D.C.’s huge new Museum of the Bible includes lots of tech -- but not a lot of Jesus."
But "not a lot of Jesus"? What's that all about? Here is the overture:
The Museum of the Bible, a massive new institution opening next month just south of the Mall, is just as notable for what it includes – vivid walk-through re-creations of the ancient world, one of the world’s largest private collections of Torahs, a motion ride that sprays water at you, a garden of biblical plants – as for what it leaves out.