Challenge No. 1: Write a history of conservative political life in the post-Roe v. Wade era – focusing on the Republican Party in particular – without mentioning the role of cultural and religious conservatives.
Do you think historians could pull that off?
Challenge No. 2: Write a news feature about the GOP race for the White House in 2016 without mentioning the role of religious conservatives – white evangelical Protestants and traditional Catholics, in particular – in the primary battles between Citizen Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, etc. Do you think journalists could write such a story without including strong references to the prominent role of evangelical leaders in the #NeverTrump camp, as well as old-guard Religious Right folks in team Trump?
Actually, we sort of know that political-desk journalists at the Washington Post can meet that challenge, or one very similar to it. You see, they have already done that. See this earlier post: "Hey Washington Post czars: Evangelicals and Catholics are irrelevant in #NeverTrump camp?"
Now, here is Challenge No. 3: Go to Denver and cover the RedState Gathering for conservative leaders – note that Trump was not invited – and produce a report that includes zero information about the views of #NeverTrump religious and cultural conservatives.
Yes! The Washington Post political-desk pros are up to that challenge as well! See the recent feature that ran with this headline: "Once in control of their party, conservatives agonize over the election and beyond."
What does the word "conservative" mean in that equation? Honestly, after reading the story several times, I have no idea. Here is the overture: