It must be real challenge to cover the domestic-violence drama of Ray and Janay Rice – the actual story of the human beings themselves, as opposed to the melodrama within the bazillion-dollar kingdom called the National Football League – without including some of the Godtalk.
Mr. and Mrs. Rice continue to talk about sin, forgiveness and redemption. The same goes for the Ravens head coach, who is an outspoken Christian, and ditto for the general manager. The team's director of player development (and moral issues) is an ordained minister. Many of Ray Rice's closest friends among Ravens players – like wide receiver Torrey Smith – are Godtalkers as well.
How do you quote these people without covering the religion angle?
Faithful GetReligion readers know that the team at The Baltimore Sun is up to that challenge.
Thus, I was curious to see what would happen when Rice won his battle with the NFL powers that be and was reinstated as an active player in the league. It's the hottest storyline of the pro-football weekend and, here in Baltimore, local news channels ran BREAKING NEWS! alerts onscreen during regular programming for two or three hours, which wouldn't happen if there was a peace settlement in Syria.