I know that I have told this story before, but I really don't care.
It's Super Bowl Sunday and, as everyone knows, that is one of the high holy days of the America's secular liturgical calendar – even in a year in which life in the National Football League has been just as screwed up and tense and divided as everything else in this land of ours. (Well, I mean other than the fact that nearly 90 percent of all Americans don't want the Team That Must Not be Named to win.)
However, there is another interesting journalism that almost always shows up during the days that precede the Super Bowl – the almost inevitable religion-beat hook.
So here is my story from the past, before we get to God and Super Bowl LII.
Long ago, in my Rocky Mountain News days, the Denver Broncos made a couple of trips to the Super Bowl. As you would imagine, newsrooms in Denver rolled out the heavy artillery to cover these events.
Well, I turned in memos arguing that – as religion writer – I should be included in the teams sent to cover these festivals of civil religion.
I never got my wish, but an editor later confessed that I had a point. Religion stories kept popping up, such as the issue of whether it was acceptable for members of these two gladiator squads to share a prayer meeting and/or Bible study before the kickoff? Would that be contrary to the spirit of the event? The NFL was worried.
So with that in mind, let's turn to these 2018 headlines:
* "In a tough sports town, baptisms and Bible studies fuel many of the Eagles’ stars," an Acts of Faith feature at The Washington Post (written by freelancer Bob Smietana).