Once again, it's time to venture into the sad world of mainstream media cranking out click-bait pop news in search of social-media action.
On top of all that, this "Morning Mix" mini-feature at The Washington Post – which appears to involve zero original reporting – is topped by a headline that doesn't even match the contents of its quickie, URL-driven text.
We will get to the headline. But first, the "news."
It should be said right away: Mark Salling, the former “Glee” cast member arrested on child pornography charges in Los Angeles on Tuesday, has not been convicted of a crime. That, however, did not prevent legions on social media from dissecting the 33-year-old’s career as though it were little more than a fresh corpse just arrived at the morgue. ...
Crime Watch Daily, which broke the story of his arrest, said police used a battering ram to break down Salling’s door and found hundreds of images. Salling has yet to comment on the arrest.
Then a key early hint of what is to come:
... The list of celebrities who recover from child porn scandals is not long. And it’s worth remembering that Salling, a Christian musician who once rocked in the name of the lord, wasn’t even supposed to be here.