If there really is "nothing new under the sun," I suppose a return to GetReligion isn't really "news," however pleasant it might be for a particular writer.
But here I am again, friends, happily climbing into the saddle to critique – well, whatever tmatt and company permit.
There will be one exception. I will not be taking on the Deseret News, where I served 20 months as a national team reporter covering faith and freedom. That's a fine paper with good people, but having been in their employ, I can't be as fair-minded as you should expect a GetReligionista to be.
There remains, of course, a ton of material out there to examine, so, the Good Lord willing, I won't be short of subjects.
Take, for example, that religious freedom divide. That very timely subject – though I agree with the crew here that we could all do without the "scare quotes," please – is a particular interest to me. This blog has always been concerned with First Amendment issues, on both sides of the equation (religious liberty and freedom of the press).
So, too, is the way the media does (or doesn't) understand religious movements with which they are unfamiliar.