Gay conversion therapy is under fire these days and not the least in California, where the State Assembly has passed a bill banning any books promoting it.
I’d thought book banning had gone out of fashion some time ago, but not when the cause is efforts to change sexual behavior from bi or gay to hetero. What’s surprised me about this new law is not so much conservative opposition to it, but the paucity of coverage in the mainstream press.
As Teen Vogue tells us, the bill will make California the first state to ban the practice and, here is the hard part, even published materials linked to the subject.
I first heard of it while scanning the San Diego Union Tribune’s web site where I came upon this:
A debunked claim making the rounds in recent weeks – that a new California bill would prohibit the sale of the Bible in the state – continues to spread, especially on social media, despite reports from Politifact and Snopes explaining why it’s untrue.
Taking its turn in America’s culture wars is Assembly Bill 2943, which proposes to set strict restrictions on services to change a person’s sexual orientation, also known as “gay conversation therapy.” Current state law prohibits “sexual orientation change efforts” or SOCE for children under the age of 18, but AB 2943 would extend the ban to any person of any age and it would prohibit the advertising or sale of SOCE goods and services in the state, Snopes reported.
AB 2943 has passed in the assembly and is awaiting a vote in the state senate.
The Union-Trib needs to upgrade its copyediting, as it’s “gay conversion therapy,” not “gay conversation therapy." Meanwhile, misspellings aside, what’s a reporter doing quoting Snopes instead of doing the homework himself?