.@TipsForJesus still leaves $$$, so for #Easter, we asked ethicists - is it moral? http://t.co/Nmvb0cyEoF pic.twitter.com/nhAZPrBsF2 — Megan Finnerty (@MeganMFinnerty) April 17, 2014
First off, my apologies for that click bait.
Megan Finnerty, a Page 1 reporter for the Arizona Republic, didn't really fire back at my recent negative review of her pre-Easter story on "Tips for Jesus."
In fact, the thoughtful email that she sent me with the subject line "Read your critique of my story" was kinder than my snarky critique, titled "What would Jesus tip? Be sure to ask ... secular ethicists!?"
With Megan's permission, I thought I'd share a bit of what she had to say, in hopes of providing a behind-the-scenes perspective on GetReligion's focus, which is the mass media's coverage of religion news. Before reading her comments, though, be sure to peruse the original post, if you haven't already. If you don't, the rest of this won't make sense.
OK, everybody back?
Here is Megan's response (edited slightly for publication, with her approval):
I read your thoughts on my TipsForJesus story.
I’m totally not emailing you to defend my work. I’m emailing you because I want to be better and do smarter, more thorough, sensitive work. So I send this note to you in the spirit of learning from someone who does this kind of work — writes about Christianity — all the time. So below, I’m going to walk you through my logic and processes so you can see how I got where I was going. And if you see some big glaring gap in logic or mistake in processes, or just room for improvement, I am open to your ideas.
I LOVED your idea of including how Jesus responded to extravagance. When I read it in your critique, I remembered it, but sadly, none of the religious I interviewed for the story mentioned that piece of scripture.
I interviewed a religion writer (who didn’t make the quote cut because he didn’t say anything super-vital…), a pastor (who I quoted) and a deacon (who I did not quote because he didn’t say anything that hadn’t been better said by others…)
I agree with you, my story would’ve been more complete, and more interesting had I included that Scripture passage.
But I felt like the rest of your critique of my story is that A. I put the pastor at the end and B. I didn’t only interview Christians or biblical scholars. I mean, story organization is always a matter of taste, but I put the pastor at the end so as to make his ending quote land with more force. He was a wonderful interview.
As for not interviewing more Christians, or not asking if TipsForJesus is “Christian” as opposed to just “moral,” those are interesting ideas. To be honest, it NEVER occurred to me to ask if it was “Christian” behavior.
I just thought about how every faith tradition celebrates charity, so I sort of saw this behavior as Christian, sure, but also, if he had named the Instagram account TipsForAllah, or TipsForGod, it wouldn’t really impact the answer to that question — the answer would be yes, charity is positively viewed by all major world religions. So, I just didn’t think it was a compelling question because I felt like my readers would say they knew the answer is yes…
But, are you saying it was naive or wrong or not smart to take for granted that the tipping was, indeed, “Christian?”
And as for not focusing my interviews on explicitly self-identified Christians more or exclusively, I wanted to open the gist of the story up to as many people as possible — Christians and non, because I think we all have a stake in charity, in questions of morality and in how the rich practice charity. And, my readers are not all Christians, you know? I wanted to draw in as many people as possible to being thoughtful and to contending with these really hard questions — most good for most people per dollar vs. good for people I care about or who I’m connected to.
I write every once in a while about the intersection of religion and various aspects of daily life and I am open to feedback and criticism because I know that I am not an expert. So I appreciate the thought you put into analyzing my story. I don’t really think my story qualifies as a holy ghost story, though. Other than leaving out the piece of Scripture, I don’t see what key idea or deeper Christian point I left out …
I replied to Megan and thanked her for being so nice in her response. I pointed out that I wrote not long ago about the inherent difficulty that we at GetReligion face in critiquing journalism without knowing the full, behind-the-scenes story of the reporting, writing and editing involved.
And I said:
I think my major problem with your story was that it focused on the secular instead of the religious. I think you could have explored the Christian angle as well as mentioning how other faiths — such as Muslims and Jews – handle the same issue. But obviously, a media critique is like a movie review — everybody has an opinion. I appreciate your willingness to consider mine.
Your turn, friendly GetReligion readers: What's your reaction to Megan's thought process? What insight did you gain? What advice would you offer to help her (or yikes ... me) improve?