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What makes a GetReligion post go viral? Wish I knew, but these were my Top 10 posts of 2017

Happy New Year!

As we plunge into 2018, I'm excited about another year of writing for GetReligion. At this journalism-focused website, we highlight both positive and negative examples of mainstream reporting on religion news. 

I write four posts a week (including the all-new "Friday Five"). That adds up to 200 times a year that I offer my insights and opinions. Some of my posts go viral on social media. Others, um, do not. 

These were my 10 most-clicked posts of 2017:

10. Bravo! Washington Post religion writer delves masterfully into the faith of Sarah Huckabee Sanders

9. Oh no, look what Trump's done: He's appointed someone to Cabinet who ONCE PRAYED

8. Chicago Tribune reporting on Wheaton College hazing incident seems solid, but pay close attention

7. Trump + Gillibrand + faith: 'Why is religion only talked about when reporters profile Republicans?'

6. A year later, Wall Street Journal revisits 'Target's pricey social lesson' on transgender bathrooms

5. Three simple questions re: NPR's story on women driving hundreds of miles to get abortions

4. 'Buuuuuuut is it true?' Readers question reporting on billboard that has outraged Muslims

3. Mark of the Beast: 666 reasons to look for religion angle in microchips installed in employees' hands

2. Hate group or hateful reporting? This is why alleged 'news organization' ABC News is under fire

1. Flood him with criticism: Let him who is without sin cast the first stone at Joel Osteen and his church

I wish I could say I know when a post will resonate with readers. But honestly, if I could figure out the exact secret formula (while staying true to our mission of promoting quality journalism on religion), I'd use it more often. Often, though, I'm surprised by which posts rack up the clicks and which ones don't.

As we begin a new year, feel free to weigh in: Why do you read GetReligion? How could we do a better job of serving your interests over the next 12 months?