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Pod people: No religion for abortion providers

Can I test a theory? My sense is that reporters often look to religion when covering people who are against abortion. It might seem obvious, since people do often cite their underlying religious beliefs as their reason for opposition. Though when reporters explore why people do provide abortions, religion suddenly disappears from consideration.

Take the story about a gay abortion doctor who wants to adopt. The reporter showed that the doctor clearly felt there was some gray in the ethics of providing abortions, especially late-term ones. We were left wondering whether his faith (or lack of faith) had anything to do with why being an abortion doctor is so complex for him.

Earlier we saw the story about the 2,000 dead fetuses found at a Buddhist temple's morgue. We learned about an abortion provider who adopted eight children that survived abortions. "I commit sin every day," she said, "so if the kids won't die, there's no need to kill them." We talked about her reaction, especially in the context of a primarily Buddhist country, but we still don't know much about her religion.

We talk about these stories on the latest GetReligion's podcast, so click here to listen to the most recent one.

By the way, when do you listen to podcasts? Have you listened to anything especially good recently? I know NPR isn't terribly popular right now after the Juan Williams business, but I still listen to many of their shows. Are there good religion podcasts that I'm missing? Whether you're on your computer, mp3 player, smart phone, whatever, thanks for "tuning in."